Saison 1

Arabian Seas - Carnivores Of The Coral Garden
Épisode 1: Carnivores Of The Coral Garden

The seas are alive with carnivores. Meet the sharks and rays who patrol the coral reefs, hunting down their prey.

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Arabian Seas - Magicians Of The Reef
Épisode 2: Magicians Of The Reef

Arabia’s coral reefs are home to some of nature’s most impressive illusionists. Creatures can pulsate with colour, transform in the blink of an eye, or perform riveting displays of showmanship.

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Arabian Seas - Island Feast
Épisode 3: Island Feast

Off the coast of Oman, summer weather drives nutrients in from the ocean depths where they meet the Arabian sun, causing an explosion of life. Smaller fish spawn, filling the waters with eggs.

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Arabian Seas - Defenders Of The Reef
Épisode 4: Defenders Of The Reef

It’s summer in the Gulf of Oman. The scorching Arabian sun heats the shallow waters to 86 degrees boosting the growth of algae across a vast coral reef.

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Arabian Seas - A Turtle's Legacy
Épisode 5: A Turtle's Legacy

The sea turtle is one of the oldest animals on earth. These ancient mariners even pre-date the dinosaurs.

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Arabian Seas



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