Saison 2

Arctic Secrets - Rhythm Of The Bay
Épisode 1: Rhythm Of The Bay

Every summer, the frozen waters of Hudson Bay partially thaw for a few short months. For migrating beluga whales, it's a window of feeding and breeding opportunities, but for polar bears, it's a famin...

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Arctic Secrets - Yukon Wild
Épisode 2: Yukon Wild

Each year, thousands of salmon head upstream along the mighty Yukon River, desperate to reach spawning beds. Watch as a host of hungry predators check the salmon’s progress, eager to stock up on prote...

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Arctic Secrets - Waiting For Winter
Épisode 3: Waiting For Winter

A polar bear mother keeps watch over her cub as they wait for winter feeding opportunities. But threats are everywhere.

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Arctic Secrets



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