Saison 1

Attack And Defend - Apex Predators
Épisode 1: Apex Predators

With strategies ranging from fearsome size and speed to sophisticated teamwork and bone-crushing strength, the world’s most highly adapted predators have evolved formidable means of surviving and thri...

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Attack And Defend - Birds Of Prey
Épisode 2: Birds Of Prey

Keen eyesight, razor-sharp talons, and other adaptations help raptors like the peregrine falcon, red-tailed hawk, and bald eagle hunt from above. Fly alongside these magnificent raptors to see the wor...

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Attack And Defend - Insect Eaters
Épisode 3: Insect Eaters

Insects offer a virtually unlimited food source for the cunning predators that have evolved ways to hunt them. Discover the highly developed skills of dragonflies, scorpions, Venus flytraps, and prayi...

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Attack And Defend - Cold-blooded Killers
Épisode 4: Cold-blooded Killers

Hunting is a means of survival for all predators. But some highly specialized killing machines, including the stealthy tarantula and the prehistoric Komodo dragon, have developed deadly adaptations th...

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Attack And Defend - Masters Of Defence
Épisode 5: Masters Of Defence

In the evolutionary arms race between predator and prey, highly adapted hunting techniques lead to specialized evasion tactics. From deadly poison to clever mimicry, explore the creatures that have ou...

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Attack And Defend - Water Warriors
Épisode 6: Water Warriors

Raw power, cunning patience, and swarm intelligence give the clash between predator and prey a new dynamic in the deep. Experience the offensive and defensive adaptations of lethal sharks, clever cutt...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Attack And Defend



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