Saison 1

Monkey Island - A Mother's Tale
Épisode 1: A Mother's Tale

The 40-strong King troop has the run of the Sri Lankan temple ruins they call home, but Ana, whose new baby is due any day, is at the bottom of the pecking order. Follow her struggle to find food duri...

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Monkey Island - Leaving Home
Épisode 2: Leaving Home

A teenage toque macaque has led an idyllic life in the ancient Sri Lankan temples his troop calls home. But as adulthood approaches, he’ll soon have to leave the safety of the ruins and find a new tro...

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Monkey Island - Trouble in Paradise
Épisode 3: Trouble in Paradise

Tensions rise when drought overtakes an ancient Sri Lankan temple shared by tufted grey langurs, toque macaques, and purple-faced leaf monkeys. Witness the drama as the lower-ranking primates struggle...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Monkey Island



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