Saison 1

New Kids in the Wild - Lyca The Painted Wolf
Épisode 1: Lyca The Painted Wolf

Travel to Central Namibia to meet a painted wolf pup whose pack is battling safety and starvation to survive. Watch as she builds up her hunting skills to help her family move across the parched land ...

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New Kids in the Wild - Chinga The Lion Cub
Épisode 2: Chinga The Lion Cub

Roam through South Africa’s Greater Kruger Park with a baby lioness and the pride that must fight off the predators threatening its territory. Will the cub learn the skills to hunt and survive the dan...

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New Kids in the Wild - Usana The Cheetah Cub
Épisode 3: Usana The Cheetah Cub

Track a cheetah mom and her four babies through their fragile first year of life in the savannah of the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve in South Africa. Find out how they learn which species are food and ...

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New Kids in the Wild - Chico The Baby Capuchin
Épisode 4: Chico The Baby Capuchin

Enter Brazil’s Serra da Capivara at the beginning of the dry season as a troop of capuchin monkeys welcomes its newest member. Explore the forest alongside the curious baby, who faces threats from pre...

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New Kids in the Wild - Ravi The Baby Lion Tailed Macaque
Épisode 5: Ravi The Baby Lion Tailed Macaque

Explore the verdant rainforest of the Western Ghats in southern India, where an endangered baby lion-tailed macaque will need to learn the laws of the jungle to survive food shortages, a shrinking hab...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
New Kids in the Wild


New Kids in the Wild

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