Saison 1

Tales From Zambia - Elephant Valley
Épisode 1: Elephant Valley

Follow a family of elephants from sunrise to sunset as they are joined by a cast of characters in a valley that is bursting with life. But in the dry season temperatures soar and drought grips the lan...

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Tales From Zambia - Wild Heaveyweights
Épisode 2: Wild Heaveyweights

In Zambia’s Luangwa Valley some of the largest animals on earth live side by side. Discover how each of these giants uses ingenious strategies and amazing adaptations, honed over millions of years, to...

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Tales From Zambia - Life and Death on the Plains
Épisode 3: Life and Death on the Plains

Liuwa Plains is a remote grassland and one of Africa’s last wild places. Only the toughest of Africa’s wildlife can survive here.

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Tales From Zambia - Hippo River
Épisode 4: Hippo River

The Luangwa River is a lifeline for animals-and home to the world’s largest concentration of hippos. See how these hippos spend their days dealing with heat, insects, and threats from their fellow riv...

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Tales From Zambia - The River Troop
Épisode 5: The River Troop

Along the bank of the Luangwa River in Zambia lives a large troop of baboons. Despite the difficulties of the dry season, baby baboons are born.

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Tales From Zambia - Pride Lands
Épisode 6: Pride Lands

Spend one day and one night in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley with Africa’s most fearsome hunters-a pride of lions. The lions are hungry because they haven’t managed to make a large kill in days and tempers ...

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Tales From Zambia - The Wild Web
Épisode 7: The Wild Web

In Zambia, no single creature survives in isolation. From lions and leopards to jumping spiders and bee-eating mantises, study the diverse network of animals and plants that makes the Luangwa Valley o...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Tales From Zambia



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