Saison 2

Volcanic Odysseys - Indonesia: Islands Of Fire
Épisode 1: Indonesia: Islands Of Fire

Join Tom and his team as they travel to some of the most remote and rarely visited volcanoes in Indonesia. Climb to the top of active volcanoes that are in a constant state of eruption, and see just h...

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Volcanic Odysseys - Fires of Don Goyo
Épisode 2: Fires of Don Goyo

Tom explores how volcanoes have influenced Mexico’s people and history. See how volcanic eruptions have destroyed ancient cultures—and how their unique landscapes have given rise to one of the world’s...

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Volcanic Odysseys - A Place Like Hell
Épisode 3: A Place Like Hell

Join Tom on a dangerous adventure to two of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia, where he’s greeted with otherworldly landscapes filled with toxic gases, fire, and brimstone that inspired mythologi...

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Volcanic Odysseys - Restless Giants
Épisode 4: Restless Giants

Tom travels to Japan, where he visits two of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet. Follow him to Kuchinoerbujima to see how the country copes with a volcanic crisis when the island is unexpected...

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Volcanic Odysseys - In the Path of a Volcano
Épisode 5: In the Path of a Volcano

Learn about two volcanoes that threaten the people living in their paths. See how the town of Pahoa, Hawaii, reacts as a river of lava flows towards them, while the Indonesian government tries to relo...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Volcanic Odysseys


Volcanic Odysseys

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