Saison 1

Wildlife Er - Back from the Brink
Épisode 1: Back from the Brink

Face a life-and-death struggle with vet Bec, who gives a koala joey mouth-to-mouth, and see vet Meaghan test her microsurgical skills on a baby fruit bat’s teeny toes. Catch a bath-averse python and t...

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Wildlife Er - Cavendish the Koala
Épisode 2: Cavendish the Koala

Watch senior vet Tim tutor new recruit Phil through an injured koala checkup, and track the team’s solutions for animals plagued by the summer heat. Celebrate as vet Karina solves a puzzling frog case...

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Wildlife Er - Spiky and Stinky
Épisode 3: Spiky and Stinky

Check out vet Phil’s clever tactics for handling prickly patients and marvel as RSPCA rescuer Chantel extracts a sooty possum duo from a chimney. Cheer on the clinic’s favourite survivor and see vet M...

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Wildlife Er - Spoonbill Soft Shoe Shuffle
Épisode 4: Spoonbill Soft Shoe Shuffle

Join the team’s scramble to help a trio of distressed baby wallabies and a koala joey who’s having seizures. Scale a tree with rescuer Jo to net a wounded lizard, see kookaburra feather-implant surger...

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Wildlife Er - Brisbane Floods
Épisode 5: Brisbane Floods

Wade into recovery mode as the clinic deals with the animal aftermath of a Brisbane flood. Meet a baby kangaroo in need of round-the-clock care and a plover washed down a drain.

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Wildlife Er - Fly Free
Épisode 6: Fly Free

Observe vet Karina’s fight to save a koala mauled by dogs, then face the clinic’s toughest customer with vet Tim: a rainbow lorikeet who’s quick to bite. Scoop up a peeved possum with rescuer Chantel ...

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À propos de la série

Genres: Documentaire
Love Nature
Wildlife Er



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